Writing an effective resume/CV is really important. Your resume can make or break your job application. By following these guidelines and creating a well-crafted resume/CV, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and securing the job you desire.
It is important to tailor your resume to the specific job description and company you are applying to. Carefully read the job posting and identify the key requirements and qualifications that the employer is looking for. Use this information to customize your resume and highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position.

choose the right format for your resume!
It is important to keep your resume simple and easy to read. Use a clear, legible font and consistent formatting throughout. Avoid using too many different fonts or styles, as this can make your resume look cluttered and difficult to follow.
You can't just use any format and start putting all your information together. The format should be the one that matches your domain /career profile.
for example: for middle and back-office roles, having your photo in your resume is completely irrelevant.
add your personal details right!
You must include your Full Name | Phone Number | Email Address
for example:
John Brown
Phone: 9876543210 | Email: john.brown@outlook.com | D.O.B: 01-01-1990
LinkedIn Profile URL is optional [should include if your profile looks attractive/interesting depending on your certifications /attainments /projects /connections]
You must avoid having the resume title "Resume" or including a Secondary Email /Phone Number | Home Address | Photo | Personal website [as such information might not be relevant]
have crisp and clear "Career Objective"
for example: "Expecting to work in an environment where I can expose myself to practice life situations in the challenging environment, employ my academic knowledge & technical skills and enhance the same for organizational and personal growth."
list your relevant work experience(s) & professional qualifications!
Your resume must have a high-level overview /responsibilities in your current organization and previous organization(s), one to two-liner each, along with the number of years of experience.
Job Title | Company Name | City (State)
for example:
Risk Associate
XYZ Bank, Mumbai (MH) Jan, 2021 - Present
follow the reverse-chronological order for your timelines, use bullets for your responsibilities, and have a "Key Achievement" sub-section to highlight your achievements /awards.
Your resume must have your professional qualifications /attainments /certifications.
College /Institute Name | Degree /Certification Name | Pass Percentage /Grade
for example:
XYZ College
Bachelor of Commerce [2018 Pass Out] | 82%
follow the reverse-chronological order for your timelines and certifications as a one-line item.
targeting for any specific role? use applicable line items!
for Market Risk roles
Understanding [can use “complete understanding” if you do] of market risk framework and measurement models like value-at-risk, stressed value-at-risk, and expected shortfall [remove those not applicable]. Contribution of individual risk numbers from these models in the computation of the overall capital requirement.
Understanding [can use “complete understanding” if you do] of back-testing [can use “and stress-testing” as well] value-at-risk and stressed value-at-risk models to validate the effectiveness of these models.
Understanding [can use “complete understanding” if you do] of underlying risk factors and risk identification methodology to capture the risk coming from linear and non-linear positions to explain the overall risk vs. sum of attributions.
Understanding [can use “knowledge”, “working knowledge”, “complete understanding” if you do] of pricing and valuation of linear and non-linear financial products and derivative instruments like equity and interest rate options, futures, and swaps [remove those not applicable] using full revaluation and sensitivity-based partial revaluation methodologies.
for roles involving Financial Derivatives
Understanding [can use “knowledge”, “working knowledge”, “complete understanding” if you do] of pricing and valuation of linear and non-linear financial products and derivative instruments like equity, interest rate, and currency options, futures, and swaps [remove those not applicable] using full revaluation and sensitivity-based partial revaluation methodologies [can include “ladder-based interpolation technique” as well].
for roles involving Python Programming
Implementation /Automation [can use “front-to-back implementation /automation”, if you do] of _____ process using Python /on Python-based framework.
Do mention if there was any significant improvement in efficiency and reduction in time post-implementation /automation.
[for experienced candidates]
Instead of: Understanding | Knowledge
Use: Independently | Performed | Priced/Valued | Contributed | Assessed | Prepared | Ensured | Proficient | Experienced
gain some technical skills and have them in your resume!
Highly proficient [can be interchanged with “working knowledge”] in MS Excel, Word & PowerPoint [remove those not applicable].
Working knowledge in developing financial and statistical models as per the requirements with good analytical and quantitative skills.
Highly professional [can be interchanged with “moderate experience”] in Python programming [can add “Macros/VBA”, “R programming”, “SQL” if applicable].
Experienced in using Bloomberg [can add “UBS Delta”, “Markit”, “SAS”, “Alteryx”, “Tableau”, “Power BI” if applicable]
Hands-on experience in handling/manipulating large volumes of datasets.
Provided training on _____ and _____ areas to 10+ [or 20+] employees.
Including action verbs in your resume can make a big difference. Action verbs are words that describe specific actions or accomplishments, such as "managed", "created", "achieved", or "developed". By using these kinds of verbs throughout your resume, you can create a strong, positive impression and demonstrate your skills and achievements to potential employers.
Using relevant keywords and phrases is essential. Include industry-specific terms and phrases throughout your resume that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Proofread your resume carefully for spelling and grammatical errors. Even small mistakes can make a negative impression on potential employers and may cause your resume to be disqualified
Make your Naukri Profile Attractive follow our suggestions that will help you build a responsive Naukri profile.