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Your Ultimate Roadmap for Python Basics

hey there, future Pythonist! 🐍

I know diving into a new programming language can be both thrilling and a little overwhelming. But, guess what? We're in this together. I've mapped out this Python journey, considering each step, each challenge, and each triumph you might face.

this isn't just a course; it's a shared adventure!

Each recording, each page of our financial books, is like a conversation between us. I genuinely hope that as you go through them, you feel not just the knowledge seeping in, but also the enthusiasm and dedication I've poured into creating this for you.

We'll tackle challenges, celebrate the 'aha!' moments, and sometimes, yes, we might feel a bit stuck. but that's okay. Remember, every coder, no matter how experienced, has been there. And the beauty is in pushing forward, together. So, pull up your sleeves and get that coder's hat on. Let's make Python not just a language you know but a journey you cherish.

Here's what I've set out for you. Below is a step-by-step guide detailing what we'll tackle each week. In each module, each topic has been chosen to give you the skills and the insights you need. But remember, while this roadmap will guide you, your curiosity will drive you. So, ask questions, be hands-on, and embrace every 'aha!' and 'uh-oh' moment.


Day 1: Setting the Foundation

It's about setting up your development environment. You'll familiarize yourself with Anaconda Navigator, which acts as a central tool for managing your data science tools, and Jupyter Notebook, a powerful interactive tool for coding, visualization, and presenting your Python projects. By the end of the day, you'll have your tools in place and be ready to start your journey.

Watch: Anaconda Navigator Application

Everything You Need To Get Started On Your Machine | Installation Process | Integrated Development Environment vs. Code Editor vs. Compiler Learnings | Python Libraries & Packages | Recommendations.

Watch: Jupyter Notebook

Open-Source Web-Based Interactive Computing Platform Launching Application | Default Directories | Creating a New Jupyter Notebook | Menu Options & Toolbar | Keyboard Shortcuts | Code Cell.


Week 1: Python Data Types and Variables

Python, like any programming language, has various data types to store information. This week, you'll delve into the world of strings, integers, floats, and Booleans. Furthermore, you'll explore the foundation of programming – variables. You'll learn how to declare, assign, and manipulate these to store and recall data.

Strings and Numbers

Watch: Introduction to Python DataTypes | Functions

Python DataTypes - String | Integer | Float | Boolean | Functions - Print | Type | Python Comments

Read: Write Your First Python Code – 'Hello World!'

Read: The String Datatype in Python: A Hands-On Guide

Read: The Fundamentals of Integers in Python: A Beginner's Guide

Read: Beyond Integers: Advanced Techniques for Working with Floats in Python

Read: Maximizing Your Workflow with Boolean Data Type

Exploring & Manipulating Variables

Watch: Basic Fundamentals of Python – Variables

Python Concepts - Variables | Functions - Type | Casting Functions - Str | Int | Float | Rule of Indentation

Read: Understanding Variables in Python: Declaration, Assignment, and Naming Conventions

Watch: Example 1.1.2 | Let's Understand How!

Creating Variables | Concatenation of String DataType | Tagging Print Content

Watch: Modifying Variables in Python

Creating Variables | Modifying Variables using Python Built-In Methods - Upper, Lower, Replace


Week 2 and 3: Python Operations and Data Structures

You'll learn about manipulating variables using different operations. From basic arithmetic to comparison operations, understanding these is crucial for developing algorithms. Additionally, you'll dive deep into lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, which allow you to store multiple related data points together as these structures offer unique functionalities and optimizations for different use cases.

Understanding Operators

Watch: Perform Operations in Python

Operators - Arithmetic | Assignment | Logical | Comparison

Read: Mastering Operators in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries

Watch: Applications of Python List

Creating Python List | List of Multiple Lists | Indexing Python List

Read: Python Lists: A Powerful and Versatile Data Structure

Watch: Extensions of Python List

Methods - Append | Insert | Extend | Remove | Reverse | Sort

Read: Techniques for Manipulating Python Lists

Watch: Applications of Python Tuple

Creating Python Tuple | Tuple of Multiple Tuples | List of Multiple Tuples | Indexing Python Tuple | Functions - Type | Length | Casting Functions - List | Tuple | Methods - Count | Index

Read: Python Tuples: A Faster and Secure Data Structure

Read: Lists vs. Tuples: Which One Should You Use?

Watch: Applications of Python Set

Python Set - Creating | List of Multiple Sets | Tuple of Multiple Sets | Functions - List | Set | Methods - Add | Union | Intersection | Difference

Read: Mastering Python Sets: A Comprehensive Guide

Watch: Applications of Python Dictionary

Key-Value Pair Concept | Python Dictionary - Static DataTypes I Sequential DataTypes | Nested Dictionary | Methods - Items | Keys | Values | Clear Dictionary

Read: Maximizing Your Productivity with Dictionaries


Week 4: Python Statements and Dynamics

As you continue your Python journey, this week will be centered around mastering Python's rich variety of statements and understanding the dynamic nature of the language. From simple conditional statements that allow your programs to make decisions, to iterative loops that repeat actions, mastering these constructs will empower you to script more complex logic with ease. Furthermore, Python's way of handling unexpected situations - or 'exceptions' - will be another pivotal skill you'll acquire. Just aim to strengthen your foundation and pave the way for more advanced coding adventures ahead.

Statements in Python

Watch: Dynamic Statements in Python – Part 1

Performing Operations - Comparison Operators | Logical Operators | Python Statements - IF Statement - Static & Sequential DataTypes | IF-ELSE Statement | IF-ELIF Statement | IF-ELIF-ELSE Statement

Watch: Nested Statements in Python – Part 1

Nested Statements - Nested IF Statement | Nested IF-ELSE Statement | Nested IF-ELIF-ELSE Statement

Watch: Dynamic Statements in Python – Part 2

FOR LOOP Statement | WHILE LOOP Statement | Conditional Loop Statements | Range Function | Break Statement | Comprehension - List | Set | All Possible Combinations

Watch: Nested Statements in Python – Part 2

Watch: Exception Handling in Python

Input Function | TRY-EXCEPT Statements | TRY-EXCEPT-FINALLY Statements | Nested TRY-EXCEPT Statements | Python Exceptions/Errors - ZeroDivisionError | ValueError

Read: Python Exception Handling: Built-In Exceptions & Best Practices


Week 5: From Functions to Object-Oriented Programming

Functions are the building blocks of any program, allowing for modular and organized code. You'll explore how to create and utilize functions. Transitioning, you'll be introduced to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). OOP allows you to model real-world entities and relationships, making your code more intuitive and scalable.

Understanding Functions

Watch: Python Functions & Methods

Python Class | Functions | Methods | Parameters/Arguments | Attributes/Variables → Return Statement → Global vs. Local Variable

Object-Oriented Programming

Watch: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Constructor & Python Object

Class - Functions & Methods | Constructors & Objects | OOP Concepts - Inheritance | Encapsulation | Polymorphism | Abstraction

Watch: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Inheritance | Encapsulation | Polymorphism


Week 6: An Object-Oriented Finance Project

In this project, you will be required to design and develop a Bank Account Management System using Python which should allow users to create a bank account, deposit and withdraw funds from it, transfer funds between accounts, and display the balance of a particular account.

Read: Bank Account System: An Object-Oriented Finance Project

In this project, you will be required to design and develop a Bank Account Management System using Python which should allow users to create a bank account, deposit and withdraw funds from it, transfer funds between accounts, and display the balance of a particular account.

Watch: Developing a Bank Account System

Bank Account System: An Object-Oriented Finance Project | New Account Creation | Deposit Funds | Withdraw Funds | Transfer Funds Between Accounts | Update & Print Balance on Screen


Week 7 and 8: Data Analysis with Python Libraries

Python boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries. This week, you'll start with Pandas, a quintessential library for data manipulation and analysis. Transitioning from data manipulation, you'll explore NumPy for numerical operations and dive into MatPlotLib, a library to bring your data to life through visualization.

Pandas and DataFrames

Watch: Pandas Data Series – Part 1

Introduction to Pandas Library | Installation | Import | Pandas Data Structures - Data Series | DataFrames Methods - Describe | Append | Drop Duplicates | Difference | Fill NaN | Head | Tail Data | Filter - Single Condition

Read: Exploring Pandas Data Series From Basics

Watch: Pandas Data Series – Part 2

Watch: Pandas DataFrames – Part 1

Pandas Data Structures - DataFrames | Dynamics of Creating DataFrames - Single Column | Multiple Columns | Indexing - loc | iloc | Slicing DataFrame | View DataFrame

Read: Slicing and Dicing Data with Pandas

Watch: Pandas DataFrames – Part 2

Data Source - Import | Export | Data Summary - Info | DataTime | Unique | Min | Max | Sum | Data Cleaning - Drop Columns/Rows | Sorting - Index/Values | Ascending/Descending |  | Data Operation/Calculations

Watch: Pandas DataFrames – Part 3

Data Analysis - Data Aggregation - GroupBy, Sorting - Ascending/Descending, Filtering - Single/Multiple Conditions | GroupBy - MultiIndex DataFrames | Data Restructuring - Resampling | PivotTables | Data Visualization

Applied Numpy and Data Visualization

Watch: Numpy Library – Part 1

Watch: Numpy Library – Part 2

Read: Beyond Lists: An Introduction to Arrays in Python

Watch: MatPlotLib for Data Visualization – Part 1

Plotting Charts & Sub-Charts - Line | Histogram | Scatter | Bar | Pie | SubPlots | 3-Dimensional (3D) Plots | Title | Axis Labels | Data Labels | Legends

Watch: MatPlotLib for Data Visualization – Part 2


Week 9 and 10: Basic Python for Finance

Given the course's financial focus, these two weeks will pivot toward financial analysis using Python. You'll understand the core concepts of financial systems and how Python plays a pivotal role in modern financial analysis. The practical sessions will lead you through real-world financial projects, enhancing your grasp of the topic.

Foundations of Financial Python

Read: The Financial Pythonist: An Introduction

Watch: Building Block 1.0 - Python for Finance

Extract Historical & Intraday Time-Series Data - Stocks - Single | Multiple - Open | High | Low | Close | Adjusted Close | Volume | Data Visualization - Price Chart

Read: Extract Historical Stock Data using Libraries

Watch: Historical Time-Series Data & Equity Shocks

Absolute Returns/Shocks | Proportional/Relative Shocks - Discrete | Continuous | ShockType Use | Comparison

Watch: US Treasury Rates & Yield Curve

Treasury Yield Curve - Normal | Inverted | Humped/Flat | Historical Time-Series of Interest Rates | 2007-08 & 2022-23 Interest Rate Profiles | Market Sentiments

Read: Normal, Inverted, and Humped Interest Rate Curve

Watch: Introduction to Call Option Derivative

Definition | Bullish & Bearish Belief - Buyer & Seller | Long & Short Positions | Option Premium | Payoff & Profit Profile | Use Case

Read: Call Option Explained: A Step-by-Step Guide

Watch: Introduction to Put Option Derivative

Definition | Bullish & Bearish Belief - Buyer & Seller | Long & Short Positions | Option Premium | Payoff & Profit Profile | Use Case

Read: Put Option Explained: A Step-by-Step Guide

Read: The Moneyness of Options

Options, Stock Data, and Financial Tools

Watch: Building Block 2.0 - Python for Finance

Extract EOD and Historical Time-Series Data - Multiple Options | Option Chain for Calls & Puts at Multiple Strikes for Multiple Expiries | Important Dates

Watch: Building Block 3.0 - Python for Finance

Extract Historical Time-Series Data - Multiple FX Rates, Interest Rates, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies | Extract Financial Statements - Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Cashflow Statements, and Analyst Reports

Read: How Quantitative and Computational Finance are Changing the Game

Read: Maximizing Productivity with Python at the Office


Week 11: Building a Stock Screening and Ranking Tool Project

In this project, you will build a stock screener that will calculate various statistical measures such as mean return, standard deviation, beta, Sharpe ratio, and more to help investors make informed decisions about which stocks to invest in.

Read: Building a Stock Screening and Ranking Tool

Undertake the python-finance-groundbreaking project to revolutionize stock selection and analysis, enhancing your Python skills and enabling you to think like a true programmer.

Python is becoming increasingly popular in the field of finance due to its versatility and powerful libraries. One of the most common tasks in finance is screening stocks to find the most promising ones to invest in. A stock screener is a tool that allows you to filter stocks based on various criteria such as price, market capitalization, industry sector, and more.

In this project, you will build a stock screener that will calculate various statistical measures such as mean return, standard deviation, beta, Sharpe ratio, and more to help investors to make informed decisions about which stocks to invest in.

Watch: Building a Stock Screening – Initial Framework

Initial Framework Design | Object-Oriented Functional Class - Stock Screener - Import Data | Returns Data

Watch: Building a Stock Screen – Statistics

Statistics Screen 004 | Statistical Indicators - Price | Mean Return | Market Mean Return | Standard Deviation | Market Standard Deviation | Downside Deviation | Correlation

Watch: Building a Stock Screen – Performance Metrics

Performance Metrics Screen 009 | Performance Indicators - Active Return | Tracking Error | Beta | Sharpe Ratio | Sortino Ratio | Treynor Ratio | Jensen Ratio | M Squared | Information Ratio


Week 12: Assessment and Interview Preparation

After an intense study regimen, it's essential to test your newfound skills. This phase will offer comprehensive assessments to gauge your proficiency. Additionally, for those aiming to transition into Python-based roles, the interview guide will provide insights and preparation tactics to ensure you stand out in interviews.

Ace Your Python Programming Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

Read: Ace Your Python Programming Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

This comprehensive guide covers all the key concepts and topics you need to know to succeed in a Python programming interview, including data types, operators, loops, functions, object-oriented programming, modules, and exception handling. With clear explanations, numerous examples, and hands-on exercises, this guide will help you prepare for real-world programming challenges and solve problems efficiently.

Assess: Challenge Yourself: Python Programming Skills with Our 25-Question Assessment

Unleash your Python programming expertise with our comprehensive 25-question assessment. This assessment features objective-type multiple-choice questions designed to test your understanding of the language and its applications.

Assess: Push Your Limits: Python Programming Skills with Our 15-Question Assessment

Unleash your Python programming expertise with our comprehensive 15-question assessment. This assessment features objective-type multiple-choice questions designed to test your understanding of the language and its applications.


As you follow this plan, not only will you grasp the nitty-gritty of Python but also its vast applications in financial analysis. And yes, the recordings and our financial Books will be there to add layers to your understanding and will ensure a balanced approach to theoretical understanding and practical applications.

And always remember, while tools and resources are essential, it's the spirit of inquiry and consistent practice that will truly turn you into a Pythonist. happy learning, future Pythonist! 🐍


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